Tag: Azure

Cloud Enablement


Azure Active Directory: Cloud-Based Identity And Access Management Service

Active Directory or Windows Active Directory has been an essential part of every small and large corporation. It has been used to manage devices, users, domains, and objects within a network. With the help of the Domain Controller (a server on the network), the admin uses AD to centrally manage…

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Cloud Native


Cloud Native vs Cloud Agnostic: Key Differences

When deciding how to proceed with cloud adoption, enterprises often debate the best cloud development approach. But they found themselves stuck around budding buzzwords of cloud computing. Cloud is still an evolving industry where innovation is happening at a rapid pace that invites innovative terminology. Cloud-native and cloud-agnostic are among…

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Data Engineering and Analytics

Data Warehouse

Best Cloud Data Warehouse Vendors, Benefits & How To Choose One?

Business success in today’s time highly relies on streaming live data analytics that needs to be performed in near real-time. No company can just depend on historical data to stay competitive. In today’s hyper-connected world where people and machines generate streaming data in a wide variety, enterprises require far more…

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Cloud Enablement


SQL vs. NoSQL Databases: Key Differences And Use-Cases

Companies whose business operations rely on data-intensive applications must spend enough time determining how to best implement and maintain them. Among many biggest decisions is choosing the best platform for storing and delivering the application data. Relational databases or SQL databases have a long history of serving as primary data…

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Cloud Native

Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

An Introduction To Kubernetes Deployment Strategy

A deployment strategy or application testing strategy is a way to modify or upgrade an application. The effort aims to make the change in the application without downtime. The strategy is needed to perform deployment so that the user barely notices the improvements. With increasing microservices-based application development and cloud…

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Cloud Migration

Cloud Landing Zone

What Is A Cloud Landing Zone? Why Does An Organization Need It?

Cloud migration can be complicated, especially when a company has insufficient cloud expertise or does not have enough manpower to set up a cloud environment correctly and effectively. In addition, an environment can contain hundreds of accounts (AWS) or subscriptions (Azure), making its management awkward. The cloud landing zone is…

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Cloud Security and DevSecOps

Cloud Security Best Practices

Top 12 Cloud Security Best Practices

Cloud security refers to using technologies, processes, controls, policies and combining them all to protect cloud-based systems, data and infrastructure. Though it is considered a sub-domain of computer security and more broadly comes under information security, as data is stored on the cloud, security posture changes with which customers and…

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DevOps as a Service

Infrastructure as Code

Advantage of Infrastructure as Code With Terraform in Cloud & DevOps

Cloud infrastructure management is a challenging job. Complicated setups of cloud apps can topple over at scale in the absence of the right Infrastructure. However, cloud computing and virtualization tools offer several benefits, and one of the best among all may be improvements in managing Infrastructure in a consistent way…

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Cloud Enablement

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: Ultimate Guide To Cloud & Cloud Services

Cloud computing is a process of opting for on-demand IT resources such as compute, storage, networking, databases, software, analytics, and intelligence, typically over the internet and on a pay-as-you-use basis. Rather than setting up their own computing infrastructure or data centers, businesses can rent computing resources from cloud service providers…

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DevOps as a Service


What Is DevOps? How Does DevOps Accelerate Business Innovation?

Companies are communicating with their customers with software delivered as a service or application. Software and apps have transformed every part of a business’s value chain, be it supply chain, communication, or operations. Software and apps no longer merely support a business; it helps generate new revenues and unlock higher…

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